Kia Ora and welcome to
Ngā Mataapuna Oranga
Mauri Ora, Mauri Tau
We are about whānau transformation and their desire for mana motuhake.
The NMO Network

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tamawhariua
Providing mental health needs assessments for individuals, whānau, and rangatahi. Advocacy on behalf of individuals and whānau.
The process includes Te Wairua,Te Hinengaro, Te Tinana and Te Whānau. Child/home based support.

Pirirākau Hauora Charitable Trust
Pirirākau Hauora offers the services of a fully equipped medical clinic.
Their doctors are available during the week. They provide clinics Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm

Te Puna Hauora Ki Uta Ki Tai
Te Puna Hauora Ki Uta Ki Tai extends greetings to the people within the rohe o ngā waka o Takitimu, Mātaatua mē Te Arawa ki Tauranga Moana, from Ōtamarākau to Pukete Whenua, turn back to Maketū, finishing at Te Rae o Pāpāmoa.

Te Manu Toroa Trust
We are whānau centred health provider established in 1997 to provide a Kaupapa Model of Health Care that linked and integrated services to Māori in the Tauranga and Te Puke areas, known as the Western Bay of Plenty.