Child, Infant & Adolescent Mental Health Service (ICAMHS) is a free, community service for children and adolescents up to 19 years old and their families/whānau. It provides assessment and treatment for children and adolescents with mild to moderate mental health disorders
Alcohol & Drugs (AOD): Youth Service is a community and school based AOD service for Youth aged between 12 – 19 years. A holistic approach is used to identify the issues that may be causing the young person to use drugs and/or alcohol. The service is led by the young person, where they are able to set their own goals regarding their use (harm reduction, change, abstinence).
Hāpainga stop smoking programme is a free service available to clients who want to stop smoking. We will develop a Quit Smoking Plan that works for you, provide free nicotine patches, gum or lozenges to help with cravings and provide ongoing support to ensure you achieve your goals
Hei Oranga is the primary mental health and wellbeing service with kaimahi who support whanau of all ages enrolled at the Te Manu Toroa general practice who may require awhi tautoko for their health and wellbeing. The team is made up of a wellbeing clinician who provides therapeutic interventions; a health improvement practitioner delivering immediate brief clinical behavioural interventions and heath coaches who work in partnership with whanau to achieve their wellbeing goals.
Whānau Support is a community-based service offering support, education, information and advocacy to the whānau of a person who has, or who may be developing, a major mental illness or addiction
Peer Support is a community-based service which provides support, education, information and advocacy to a person who has, or may be developing, a major mental illness or addiction
Kaupapa Māori needs Assessment & Co-ordination (nasc) is a free community service for adults aged between 18 to 65 years. The NASC offers access to a wide range of community-based resilience, recovery and support-focused services. Needs Assessments are undertaken to identify individual strengths, supports and activities that are likely to lead to resilience and recover outcomes for the individual and their whānau
Adult Home Based Support Service is a free community service for adults aged between 18 and 65 years with mental illness. This is a person-centred service supports people living with mental illness who live independently, but not necessarily alone, in their community.
Alcohol & Drugs: Adult Service is for adults aged 18-65 years and offers community-based assessment and treatment service that provides integrated care for those experiencing alcohol and other drug problems, along with co-existing problems of addiction and mental health. Drug and alcohol treatment, therapy, support, and case management (individual, group and inclusive of family and whānau) is provided and all individuals are offered interventions that are appropriate according to the assessed need in relation to their drug and alcohol use, related problems, and readiness for change.