Whānau Ora

Whānau Ora is a culturally grounded, holistic approach to improving the wellbeing of whānau as a whole unit and addressing individual needs within the context of whānau. Whānau Ora differs from traditional social and health approaches that previously focussed solely on the needs of individuals.
Whānau Ora works in a range of ways, with characteristics that include:
- putting whānau needs and aspirations at the centre, with services that are integrated and accessible
- building trusting relationships between service providers and whānau, and between government agencies and Iwi
- building whānau capability to support whānau self-management, independence, and autonomy
- developing a culturally competent and technically skilled workforce able to adopt a holistic, whānau centred approach to supporting whānau aspirations
Whānau Ora is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Whānau Ora is designed to be flexible to meet the specific needs of the whānau. Some whānau will want to come up with their own ways of improving their lives, and may want to work with a Hapū, Iwi, or a Non-Government Organisation (NGO). Other whānau will choose to seek help from specialist Whānau Ora providers who can offer them a range of services tailored to their needs.
Whānau will have a Kaiārahi to work with them to identify their aspirations; develop a plan of action; and broker access to a range of health and social services.
The focus of Whānau Ora is an opportunity for whānau to identify their own strengths, aspirations, and priorities, and to actively participate in the development of solutions to issues they may face.

Referrals to Whānau Ora may be made through the following avenues:
Self-referral – Locally:
Phone – 07 579 4930 Extension 300
Email – whanauora@nmo.org.nz
Website – nmo.org.nz
Internal referral through our Partner Provider Network:
- Te Manu Tōroa
- Te Rūnanga o Ngai Tamawhariua
- Pirirākau Hauora
- Te Puna Hauora Ki Uta Ki Tai
- Te Rūnanga o Ngaiterangi Iwi Trust
- Waitaha Hauora
- Te Pou Oranga o Whakatōhea
External referral through any organisation upon completion of a Referral form from Whānau Ora – Email whanauora@nmo.org.nz for the External Referral form.